EPISODE 366: Parker Vegas Salon Dinner

Hey, chiropractors. We're ready for another Modern Chiropractic Marketing Show with Dr. Kevin Christie, where we discuss the latest in marketing strategies, contact marketing, direct response marketing, and business development with some of the leading experts in the industry.

Dr. Kevin Christie: [00:00:00] Hey docs, welcome to another episode of Modern Chiropractic Mastery. This is your host, Dr. Kevin Christie. And today I'm bringing you a solo episode and it's going to be a kind of a winding conversation. It's going to take some turns here and there, but the, the overall theme was that when I was at Parker Vegas at the end of February, uh, myself and Dr.

Jay Greenstein, we We held a salon dinner and I'm going to chat about that and what the heck that is and the purpose of it. But before we dive into it, I just want to kind of chat about what I'm, what I'm trying to be up to, what we're doing here at MCM and ultimately CSA.

And I posted about this on my Facebook group recently. You know, it's, it's taken many iterations of things, but we have a massive transformative purpose that is to really [00:01:00] make the evidence informed chiropractor have, have a thriving life and really go from busy and broke to time free and cash confident.

And that's been our massive transformative purpose. And that, that's been our goal. That idea that MTP comes from Peter Diamandis. I've been following him for years. Uh, I think for about 11 years now, cause that's when I've been a member of strategic coach and they've had a good collaboration together.

for quite a while. And that's how I heard of Peter and ultimately read his book Abundance, which I highly recommend. It's a really good book and that's really good. And he talks about MTP and a lot of his stuff in the book Bold that he had. He's got a lot of different concepts, but he's really on the forefront of a lot of technologies.

He then co wrote a book called Exponential Organizations, which came out maybe 2016, give or take, and that really did well. And that [00:02:00] is with Salim Ismail is kind of the main author and it's written with Peter Diamandis and they just came out with a kind of 2. 0. So it's exponential organizations 2.

0. The new playbook for 10 X growth and impact. And I've been kind of cracking that open again. I just got done attending Peter's, uh, I attended it virtually. He's got the abundance three 60 conference out in out in LA every year. He's been doing that for some years. I virtually attended it last year. I attended it.

a couple of weeks ago. I don't go in person. It's like 25, 000 to go in person. It's over four days and it's actually, uh, it's like a waiting list to go to it now, but for a lot less, like a thousand bucks, I can attend it virtually. I got it for free last year from strategic coach. And it's, I mean, it's just everything future based, everything from longevity to AI to you name it.

And he talks a lot about. Massive transformative purposes [00:03:00] in that as well. And so I just been really like digesting this a lot in, in I been, I, if you've been noticing in my Facebook group and even in FTCA, I've been asking questions in polls. A lot of those are. are guided by questions I get from chiropractors or ideas I have.

And I'm trying to just gauge the pulse of the profession and, and where we're at, where we're going, um, how do we make our lot in life a lot better as, as evidence informed or evidence based chiropractors? And how do we really just thrive? And what, what would happen if we, if we did thrive, right? And part of that was to have this salon dinner.

Uh, in Vegas because I knew there'd be some really good chiropractors there and, and different types of chiropractors and, and really thinking outside the box. And I'm going to kind of discuss what a salon dinner is [00:04:00] in a minute and give you what we talked about. Uh, but the idea around that was to really have.

Some group think it was 8 people. It was, I picked, I hand selected 3 people and Jay Greenstein hand selected 3 people. So there was 8 of us and I facilitated the conversation and we really try to tackle some of the, the issues that we have in, in our profession. And so I'll, I'll touch on that in a 2nd, then, as I record this, this is.

Tuesday, April 2nd, yesterday, April 1st, uh, I listened to the drive podcast with, with Peter Atiyah and he released a podcast with a chiropractor on air. And Dr. Conley from, uh, Gait Happens, G A I T Happens. If you can follow her on Instagram, she was the DC guest on. Peter Atiyah MD's podcast about the foot and ankle.

And I mean, he, he hand selected a chiropractor to talk [00:05:00] about the foot and ankle on a really popular podcast that have many, many, many people listen to, uh, lay people, MDs, chiros, anybody in health field. A lot of people listen to that. And it was just such, he did such a great job. With the information and representing our profession and it, and it kind of hit me as I was listening to that.

And what I've been over the last few months, really trying to piece together of like, what can I, what can MCM do as a bigger, massive transformative purpose? And it, and it kind of hit me that. You know, we really want to get chiropractors to go from busy and broke to time free and cash competent because that's going to really put you in a position to get even better.

Be fully present with patients, not cash strapped, not [00:06:00] frustrated, not burnt out, not giving up, not, you know, really just sick of the profession, bashing the profession. Like if I waved a magic wand and you all were making 250, 000 a year. You probably wouldn't be bashing the profession as much as you are.

You wouldn't be down in the dumps about it. And you'd probably be able to affect change even better. And so I do think we as evidence based or evidence informed chiropractors have to be doing a lot better in practice, uh, financially. We have to understand business. We need to know how to make some money.

We need to be able to pay ourselves well. Bring on A players that we can afford. and be able to have amazing businesses like Dr. Conley and Gate Happens. I mean, look at her Instagram following. It's amazing. And her content's great. And what I realized was like, a lot of you think of marketing is bad and business is bad.

[00:07:00] I get that, but a lot of you don't. And that's kind of a generalization, but a lot of you don't understand maybe what I've been trying to do. Preach with content marketing is that if you follow gate happens, if you listen to that episode with Dr. Conley on Peter Tia's podcast, you don't look at that as marketing.

You probably look at that as. Someone that's providing great education, a thought leader. But what it is, is marketing. You know, Stu McGill was on Peter Tia's podcast. Stu McGill has done one of the best jobs of content marketing over the years. He has developed a level of super credibility that has transcended his profession.

He's not a chiropractor, but into chiropractic, into PT, into. MDs being onto Peter Tia's , podcast, Dr. Conley did the same thing. She has done such a good job of content marketing. She has become a thought leader. She has a super level, a [00:08:00] high level of credibility that she's now being hand selected by an MD on a great podcast to represent our profession.

And what if we had more opportunities like that because we are building phenomenal practices that are thriving and doing well. And. You may not need to become Stu McGill or Dr. Connolly and be on a huge podcast. That's not the point. The point is, is what if we at MCM and all of everybody out there was doing way better marketing and had way better businesses?

That was layered on top of great clinical, like what Dr. Conley has done. She is phenomenal clinically, but she's not afraid to produce content and she does it strategically. And that's what we try to help chiropractors do. Like, what if you. like, like what if all the evidence informed chiropractors got [00:09:00] amazing at marketing and got amazing at business and it got amazing at patient experience and built great practices.

The summation of a ton of chiropractors doing that would lift the whole profession up and be put in positions like Dr. Conley was on this podcast and we'd have a ton more credibility in the public perception and in the healthcare system. And I think that is what MCM's new massive transformative purpose is.

It is to make sure that we take busy and broke chiropractors and make them time free and cash confident so that they have the funds and the time to create and to impact change at a high level and then. The second part of that MTP for us is to impact change and become many [00:10:00] industry transformers to where we really transform the public perception as chiropractors in our communities, one community at a time.

And that's going to help us overall. And that is what I've kind of come to realize. Our MTP is at MCM now. And to get there, I have to continue to really dissect What some of the problems are, some of the solutions are. I think one of the benefits of my podcast is I get to interview people. Uh, it is now April of 2024.

We have April of 2017. We started this podcast. We're seven years strong, have not. Missed a week every Thursday for seven years. And so that's a form of consistent content marketing. And I've learned a lot from that. I don't know everything. That's why I try to have an open mind and a beginner's mind when I do interview people so that I can collect and [00:11:00] catalog resources and get them.

To the chiropractors that I coach and that we coach or through CSA or through our mastermind so that more of you are doing great, whether it's now or in a few years or, you know, whenever it is, but you're on that path to doing it and it's, you're not left on, on an island. And so. What I wanted to have the salon dinner for Parker Vegas.

And so a salon dinner, I was listening to, I believe it, there was the Tim Farris podcast and he had a guest on there. I forget the guest name, but he brought up the concept of a salon dinner. And historically speaking. You know, back in the days, hundreds of years ago, a few years and years ago, these folks that were probably on the living high on the hog, dad salons in their house type of thing.

And it's a salon dinner, not like a hair salon. And the ultimate idea with this guy was talking about is that you would host it in a quiet [00:12:00] environment, maybe your house. You know, six to 10 people diverse in thought and you have a topic, someone facilitates it. You have dinner and drinks, you talk about the concepts and you really facilitate that.

It's not just a free for all conversation. And this particular guy has them like often with a lot of friends and he's developed a list of people that want to go to it and he selects from that and it's just like whole thing. And so I was like, you know, that's a, that's a great idea. And I think I listened to that podcast about four months prior to

Parker Vegas. I was like, you know, I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that on Friday night of Parker Vegas. And I knew Jay was going to be there. And so I reached out to him. He loved the idea. I sent him kind of a blog that was written about what a salon dinner is. And so we started the process of doing it and, and we centered the conversation around.

You know, we're in an interesting time as just in [00:13:00] general, but as chiropractors where, um, you know, things are getting expensive, employees are getting expensive, reimbursement is not great. And we wanted to dive into what we can do as chiropractors to, to overcome some of that. And we, we talked about. what a healthy chiropractic practice looks like financially.

We kind of discuss a little bit of the gray crab tree information at simple numbers, 2. 0. You can search our catalog. I had him on, I had also paid him to do a two hour zoom training for our mastermind group, which went really good. And so we really started talking about how do we get chiropractors to understand practice finances better?

How do we get them to pay themselves better? Do they need to expect to be able to afford a really good front desk person? Or can we also use VA's strategically? So can we reduce our payroll a little bit, but get this use [00:14:00] technology? to overcome that. We, so we, we dove into that a bit. We talked about what it realistically costs to hire a good associate and what's important about that and what we're seeing out in the profession.

And yeah, we are running into a problem where, you know, if you really thought about it, how much would your practice really need to generate in revenue to hire a good front desk person, pay yourself well, and also have an associate, let's just say, pay yourself 100, 000. Paying a front desk person 20 plus an hour and hire an associate that's got a competitive baseline salary plus some kind of bonus system that gives them a path to six figures.

And the reality of it is, is like a lot of evidence informed chiropractors. just aren't creating the revenue in their business to do that. And they may not be completely sure how to do that. And that was [00:15:00] what we really dove into. And, you know, it's like, if you think about it, a lot of chiropractors, you might be collecting.

000 a year in revenue. That's going to be hard to pay yourself. Six figures, front desk, and all the other overhead and associate. And, you know, I did write that one blog, why the, uh, 30, 000 a month practice is so important to get to. So I recommend you read that. You can go to www.

modernchiropracticmarketing. com. Uh, Look at the blog section and I break that down rather nicely, if I must say, um, on why it's so important to get to 30, 000 a month, which is about 360, 000 a year in revenue. And what you can do with that and how that can be a big springboard for hiring, you Your first associate.

Um, but we have to get a lot of chiropractors to that 350, 000. I mean, ideally we'd get you to 500. And I think that's like the, the chiropractic practice, [00:16:00] let's say with moderate overhead, if you get to the 500, you're really, um, you're leaving yourself some good, good revenue, uh, and profits to be able to have a good team.

Uh, but 360 is getting you pretty solid and, and, and that's the beginning, but we got to get more. Right. Um, We do need more million dollar practices. We do need more practices that are 750, 000 a year, uh, with good teams and being able to pay yourself well, because I mean, think about it, right?

It'd be within reason to say you'd want to pay yourself 250, 000 a year income. I mean, a lot of, um, doctors and I've got buddies that are just corporate jobs and making 225, 200, 250, and they got family of three or three kids and this and that, and like, there's still, it's like, it's a little tight, you know, um, and I'm not saying it, but like, I, it's within reason that you should, want and deserve 250, 000 a year as a doctor that spent eight years in school and a shit ton of student loan debt.[00:17:00]

But imagine what you would have to make as a revenue in your practice to take home 250, 000. It's a lot more revenue than you expect. And I think too many of you are being Um, led down a path or aren't necessarily being led at all onto what it would take to really grow a practice to get there. And that was what we talked a lot about at the salon dinner.

And I felt like I got a lot of good information out of it and I'm going to do more of them. And you may want to consider what a salon dinner might look like in your community. And, and organizing something like that, where you ultimately, uh, pick a theme, pick a topic, pick a quiet part of a restaurant or a house, if possible, I would say we were a little bit loud in the restaurant we were at, but it was overall went really well.

Um, diversity of thought would be great at your salon dinner and, uh, run the idea by some people and see what you think. And, you know, you can email me kevin at modern dash. com. If you want to do something like that and you need any help with it, [00:18:00] that would be, uh, something I could, you know, kind of give you some ideas and a couple of blogs I read, uh, to do it.

But I just wanted to kind of. Chat about that a little bit today. Uh, what are massive transformative purposes? We keep on growing MCM. We've got quite a few clinics underneath our belt, working with us, plugging our team into theirs, whether it's on the coaching and marketing side, or it's the mastermind side, like, uh, it's been pretty cool to see our growth and the growth of our members, which has been really cool.

The ones that are really putting in the work and doing, uh, what needs to be done to grow their practice. It's been awesome. As some of, you know, we've added another associate coach. We've had Dr. Kirk Kimberger with us for quite a while now, and we've added Dr. Ashley Jordan and she's been awesome. We're doing.

She's doing once a, once a month for our, our members, a call all on creativity around how to actually do community outreach and the ideas around that, how to build out marketing campaigns, how to do office [00:19:00] initiatives to keep up the excitement in there. And so we're doing a lot of that. She is taking on some one on one clients.

So if you just want to do, we have a lot of different. Programs. Now we have one on one coaching with our associate coaches, again, Kurt or Ashley, and she's got some availabilities. So you could reach out to us on that. You can just go to modern chiropractic marketing. com and fill out the form if you want that.

Uh, we have our, our signature program, which is we do marketing for you and you get group coaching and you get to contact us through Voxer messaging. And then we have kind of up and down from there. We have some people that do one on one coaching and do the marketing. We have some people that only do the group coaching.

We've kind of got you. Covered now, depending on what your needs are. And I, anybody that reaches out to me, I ask you the R factor question is, which is three years from now, what has to be the case for you to be happy with your results? And I want to see your vision. And then we hop on a consult call to see if we're a right fit.

So check that out. Modern chiropractic marketing. com [00:20:00] and start thinking of ways of how you can grow your practice and who needs to help guide you there to make it happen.